Thursday, July 14, 2016

The 13th Dimension

At the 3 month mark I decided I'd reach out to folks in my "cohort" through the Yahoo Group in hopes of figuring out how many had been invited to an OA.  Just curious.  I explained that I'd mentally prepared for a 4 month wait to hear something and I was very quickly informed by a few people that their wait was closer to 5 months.  I was advised, as everyone always is, to forget about it and practice the 13th dimension.  So that's what I'm doing.  Being patient and trying to forget about it.

The following week (2 days ago) I got an email letting me know I'll need to take the Spanish Language test soon for the Consular Fellowship Program.  Yey!  Still haven't received the second communication though, letting me know how to sign up for the test.  Hopefully it comes through tomorrow and not while I'm away in Honduras.

Work on the house is progressing.  Contractor had a false start yesterday but she'll really get going Monday.  I won't be there and can't take her phone calls.  That'll be interesting.

I can't wait to go on vacation!!  So freaking excited!!